The majority of the other barbarous factions are similarly brutal. Playing as them, their inability to fortify or settle or ambush, and their bonuses from razing and being at war, mean constant battle is pretty much their experience. For Attila, the wealth of a city, the lives of its people, even the fertile land they rode through, were all tools for the huns to accrue more riches. Factions in the previous game had different units, buildings and appearances, but they all followed the basic civilized elements-they used their provinces for farming, their cities for manufacture, and they didn't attack each other on sight.īy contrast, Attila and his Huns do really embody Total War, in the original meaning from Clausewitz-to mean nothing was civilian, everything was a military target. For food since the fertility is bad dont bother with the farms and go for the Sheep and Patures and make sure to get the Chieftan Hold since it gieves good troops and public order bonus.Attila might not appear to be that different to Rome II, but it’s a somewhat structurally different game, most noticeably in the asymmetry of the factions. Mosr likely i am going to take out the Angles next.

I am currently raiding and looting to build up money to upgrade cities and build more armies. Now you can do as you wish as you aren't going to be attacked as much. Just build a decent army and fleet and you should be able to take them out. I was lucky and one of their cities was razed by another tribe leaving them with one city. That leaves the Rugians now to the South. Now all both factions have left are a few fleets which are easy to take out since you are the Danes. I just went over with my second army and took Alabu. They usuall sail down by Britain and don't keep any armies protecting Alabu. This will improve relations and stop them from attacking you. To deal with the Jutes you should arranged a marriage with them early on. The city is easy to take and then the Geats will not be a problem to you anymore. Then you want to build up a second army, and once the Geats have wasted all of their troops om you take their capital since they have no one left to defend it, but make sure to keep your main army stationed in Hafn.

It will rank up your generals as well as give experience to your troops. Let the Geats and other factions waste all of their troops on you trying to take your city. A good strategy at first is to make sure you ahve a full army stationed in Hafn at all times, if you leave for just a turn you are likely to be razed. Im playing as Danes and now have full control of Scandza and the Settlemetn Gotichandzra.